Tuesday, July 26, 2011

‘Polishing’ the eyes

For the 3rd time in Brunei, CandidSYNDROME™ Brunei organised another Asah Mata session this time featuring another world class photographer Manny Librido, named one of the five best photographers of the world by a Photoshop Guru and photographer Scott Kelby. Indeed, from the 1 day workshop, I learned a great deal of stuff I never knew before. Well, knowledge is vast. Here’s one of my work during the workshop, will share more soon.


Asah Mata III - A Landscape of Emotions workshop with Manny Librodo
Organizer : CandidSYNDROME™ Brunei.
MUA : Dewi Diva.
Talent : Victoria Crane.
Venue : Jerudong Park Playground & Gardens, Brunei Darussalam.
Wardrobe: Erick's Bridal Boutique

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